This is a healthy alternate to canned soup that is high in sodium. I found this recipe originally on the Nesco website and adapted it for my taste and...
This is one of a number of historical recipes I am posting from my cookbook collection. It is adapted from the 1953 edition of Adventures in Good Cooking,...
This is delicious when you want a nutty, garlicky rice side dish. It complements chicken, pork, and fish very nicely and is traditionally served with a...
Nasi Minyak literally means 'Oil Rice', widely served on special occassion i.e. wedding celebration, with (usually) curry/spicy chicken or meat dishes....
I make this everytime I make my Recipe#268423. I have tried for ages to make the perfect spanish rice. Have used others recipes and decided to go against...
I haven't made this yet but it sounds great. It uses 2 cans cheddar cheese soup and rice, mmm. I think I might add shredded carrots or spinach to the rice...
This is my favorite recipe for Mexican rice. Tastes as good as any I've had in a Mexican restaurant. Found this recipe on the internet and am sure glad...
I give this 5 stars. It's very delicious and a nice colourful presentation. I serve this along with a small whole roasted chicken and a fresh salad. Modified...
I got this recipe (slightly altered) from The Vegan Gourmet expanded 2nd edition cookbook. It's light, tasty, easy and very healthy! This dish goes very...
For a while my dd was helping out by deciding what's for dinner on thursday night. She found this recipe on Rachael Ray's website. It's become a weeky...
I created this recipe to get more spinach in my diet. It tastes great and you forget you're eating healthy. Prep time includes cooking the rice and chopping...
this is a variation of my grandmother's mexican rice. Just as a side note, after you remove the rice from the heat, keep it covered for the whole 15 minutes....
Got some turkey laying around the house and sick of having sandwiches (it happens, but not often). Well then all you need is a few ingredients and some...
Growing up in Minnesota, this recipe has been a staple at our Thanksgiving and Christmas Table for as long as I can remember. I have been living in Southern...
This goes nicely with my Chicken Breasts Con Rajas or any south of the border meal. I have recently been to a talk by Michael Pollan author of "In Defense...
A while back a Zaarian reminded me of a wonderful Indian rice dish. Afterwards this recipe showed up in my email from gourmet-recipes-from-around-the-world....
From the Prepared Pantry, up here for safekeeping-- love black rice and its versatilities! The meal suggestion in my inbox was to have this with sweet...
This is a quick prep side dish that can bake while preparing the rest of the meal. My mother-in-law makes this during the holidays and the family loves...
I get perfect rice every time with this Recipe. Taught to me by an Indian Teacher at her Indian Cooking Class. Boiled rice with spices and ingredients...
I usually make this rice for Thanksgiving, especially if I have vegetarians at the meal. It doesn't make much, so double it for company. I usually don't...
This is a tasty vegetarian dish. You won't even miss the meat! You can substitute any type of Southwestern-style dressing for the 1000 Island. I slice...
I really love rice. There are numerous ways to prepare rice and I tend to vary and change all the time. This dish is very easy to prepare, kids just love...